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Have Your Say - Oxford Alochol Disorder PSPO

Oxford City Council are consulting on whether to vary, extend or remove a Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) in the city that tackles alcohol-related disorder. The PSPO is up for renewal in November 2023 and we would like to hear your views on the subject and answer some questions on your experiences of the issue.

To share your views please click on the link below to leave your feedback. Your comments and suggestions will be analysed and shared with Oxford City councillors to help inform discussions and decisions around extending the current PSPO in November.

Have Your Say - Oxford Alcohol Disorder PSPO

Further Information

Public Spaces Protection Orders are one of a number of powers introduced by the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. They are designed to deal with a particular nuisance or problem in an area which is having a detrimental effect on the quality of life of those in the community.

There is a currently an Alcohol Disorder PSPO (set for renewal in November 2023) covering certain parts of Oxford. The Order creates an offence for any person to refuse to stop drinking alcohol or hand over any containers which are believed to contain alcohol, when required to do so by a police officer or authorised officer in order to prevent public nuisance or disorder. Failure to adhere to the requirement can lead to a Fixed Penalty Notice or prosecution in the Magistrates Court. A copy of the current Alcohol PSPO is available on the Oxford City Council website. Click here for more information.

Posted on 6th October 2023

by Daniel Courtenay

Marston Cycle Route and Barracks Lane

Oxford Women’s Safety page have received a high number of responses linked to Marston Cycle Path (35) and Barracks Lane (13).

• The majority of the feedback for Marston Cycle route stated that a lack of lighting made it unsafe for cyclists and pedestrians using the path during hours of darkness. All respondents stated they would avoid using the pathway during hours of darkness due to concern for their safety. All respondents suggested that the installation of appropriate street lighting along the route would help improve the feeling of safety and increase active use.

• The majority of respondents for Barracks Lane stated that they felt unsafe when using the pathway. Respondents provided a number of different reasons for this including a lack of lighting and a rise in anti-social behaviour linked to mopeds riding along the path.

The concerns raised and suggestions provide on how to improve both routes have been forwarded to Oxfordshire County Council’s Active Travel Team for consideration and review. For more information on Active Travel please visit the link below.

Oxfordshire County Council Active Travel

Please continue to share this consultation with anyone you think may be interested or leave another comment on the platform. Residents can have their say via the Oxford City Council’s engagement site - Oxford Women's Safety. Users an pin their feedback to the locaiton, to help the council and its partners understand what local residents are saying and understand any safety concerns about the area.

Posted on 16th February 2023

by Daniel Courtenay

Oxford Safe Places Scheme

Safe Places is an accessible network, where those feeling intimidated, scared or at risk can seek help and refuge from a registered business in the city. Whether it’s just to have a conversation, to call a friend, ask someone to call a cab, or even to dial 999 – these are places where a friendly face is guaranteed, and support will always be provided. A range of businesses operating during the Night-time economy have signed up including The Randolph Hotel, Malmaison, Westgate, Pegasus Theatre and Royal Oxford.

Safe Places organisations can be identified through the Safe Places logo on their windows or through the Safe Places App. The Safe Place app highlights on a map all nearby registered Safe Places in Oxford. The apps function called 'Get me to my nearest Safe Place Now' (Panic button) immediately directs you to the nearest open Safe Place. If no Safe Place is located within a 15-minute walk it will automatically offer to call the non-emergency 101 number to get help over the phone.

Safe Places is an important part of the Nightsafe Oxford Network to ensure those in need can access a safe space during a night out. We are looking to further expand the Safe Places network throughout the City.

Visit the Safe Places website for more information.


Posted on 8th February 2023

by Daniel Courtenay

Oxford City Angels - supporting the safety & security of women during a night out

Oxford City Angels are a voluntary run female-focused support team working in partnership with Thames Valley Police, Oxford City Council and Nightsafe Oxford during the night-time economy. Oxford Angels were established from the Safer Street 3 project as a measures to help prevent violence against women during a night out.

Their primary and priority function is to support the safety and security of women and girls at night. They deliver this through proactive high visibility patrols and engagement in the City Centre and Cowley Road on Saturday nights and Sunday mornings between 22:00 and 04:00.

Visit their website to find out more


Posted on 1st December 2022

by Daniel Courtenay

Take our survey and make a difference

The safety of women and girls in public spaces is one of Oxford's priorities. We are inviting everyone who lives, works, studies, or socialises in Oxford to tell us where and why you are feeling safe or unsafe.

This map is a starting point on making our city safe and enjoyable for all. The more people that get involved, the better we can reflect the needs of the whole community and make the city of Oxford safe for everyone.

Please share your concerns and offer suggestions…and ask your friends and family to do so as well.

Click on the 'Have your say' button on the map to share your thoughts.

Please note that this website is not monitored daily and is not for the purpose of reporting crime. To report a crime please contact the Police on 999 (emergency), or 101 (non-emergency), or visit their website

Posted on 25th November 2022

by Daniel

Free Online Bystander Training

There has been a high demand for Bystander Training from both organisations and the general public.

The Suzy Lamplugh Trust are offering free online bystander training throughout November and December 2022. This programme drives awareness of harassment, upskilling and empowering individuals across various settings to help defuse situations, discourage harassers, and support victims. If you would like to book on to a session please visit the link below:


Oxford City Council and Thames Valley Police have been busy prioritising and delivering bystander against sexual harassment training to organisations operating in the night-time economy including Oxford City Angels, Oxford Street Pastors, Door Staff and Venue Staff. This network of trained Bystanders will help in preventing or intervening when an act of sexual harassment has the potential to occur.

To find out about all the measures we have put in place to prevent violence against women on a night out please visit the Nightsafe Oxford website https://www.oxfordcitycrimepartnership.co.uk/nightsafe-oxford/

Posted on 8th November 2022

by Daniel Courtenay