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4 months ago


What location are you commenting on?

A small bridge connecting residential area to meadow.

What is your connection to this location? Select all that apply.

• It is my travel route

• I walk / run here for leisure

• I was a victim of a crime at this location

Using the scale below, indicate how safe you feel at this location?

Very unsafe

Why do you feel unsafe at this location? Select all that apply.

• Regular anti-social behaviour

• Location feels isolated

• Poorly lit

• No Police on the street

• Groups loitering

• I was followed here

How could this location be improved?

• More lighting

• More high visibility Police/Council patrols

Are there any positive existing features at this location that help make you feel safe? Select all that apply.


• Open environment

When would you avoid this area? Select all that apply.

• After dark

• If alone

• Weekends

• Daytime

Lighting is a factor in making people feel safe at night. How would you describe the lighting at this location?

Uneven light coverage

Do you have any other comments regarding crime and community safety in this area?

Be wary of men who approach women standing on this bridge, leave if you see a group of men walking together towards you on the bridge

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8 months ago


What is your connection to this location? Select all that apply.

• I live in the area

• It is my travel route

• I walk / run here for leisure

Using the scale below, indicate how safe you feel at this location?

Very unsafe

Why do you feel unsafe at this location? Select all that apply.

• Location feels isolated

• Poorly lit

• Hidden area with irregular footfall

• This area is very dark at night, since there is now no traffic passing through due to the ltn it is now more isolated, I cannot walk this way when it gets dark anymore

How could this location be improved?

• More lighting

• More high visibility Police/Council patrols

• When there was local traffic going through this area it made the route more used, less isolated and made you feel more visible and safer

When would you avoid this area? Select all that apply.

• Weekends

• If alone

Lighting is a factor in making people feel safe at night. How would you describe the lighting at this location?

Uneven light coverage

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Mostly negative

10 months ago


What location are you commenting on?


What is your connection to this location? Select all that apply.

• It is my travel route

• I live in the area

• I walk / run here for leisure

Using the scale below, indicate how safe you feel at this location?

Not very safe

Why do you feel unsafe at this location? Select all that apply.

• Poorly lit

• Cycle path at night, some cyclists don't use lights and seemingly come out of nowhere

How could this location be improved?

• More lighting

• A light on the side of or under the bridge or around this path by the river or across on the other side to provide illumination would be great

Are there any positive existing features at this location that help make you feel safe? Select all that apply.

• Well used area by the public

• Open environment

• Often other pedestrians or cyclists around but also some don't have lights

When would you avoid this area? Select all that apply.

• After dark

• If alone

• I sometimes avoid it if it's not especially late

Lighting is a factor in making people feel safe at night. How would you describe the lighting at this location?

Very dark at night and very little illumination

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Mostly negative

11 months ago


What location are you commenting on?


What is your connection to this location? Select all that apply.

• I visit the shops / restaurants here

• I live in the area

• It is my travel route

• I study here or nearby

Using the scale below, indicate how safe you feel at this location?

Not very safe

Why do you feel unsafe at this location? Select all that apply.

• Location feels isolated

• I was followed here

• Hidden area with irregular footfall

• Place feels/looks neglected

• General sense of unease

How could this location be improved?

• Offering bystanders training to the public/volunteers

• Strong messaging about consent

• Introduction of Safe Places

• More high visibility Police/Council patrols

Are there any positive existing features at this location that help make you feel safe? Select all that apply.

• No signs of vandalism

When would you avoid this area? Select all that apply.

• After dark

• If alone

• Daytime

Lighting is a factor in making people feel safe at night. How would you describe the lighting at this location?

I don't know

Do you have any other comments regarding crime and community safety in this area?

I was followed there in broad daylight. Other than me and the man, I only saw two other people from a distance. The area adjacent to the covered market feels isolated. If you are leaving the market, I would advise you to use one the exits on high st and cornmarket st.

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Mostly negative

11 months ago


What location are you commenting on?

Lau Building

What is your connection to this location? Select all that apply.

• I live in the area

Using the scale below, indicate how safe you feel at this location?

Not very safe

Why do you feel unsafe at this location? Select all that apply.

• Poorly lit

• I was followed here

How could this location be improved?

• More lighting

• Better public access

• More high visibility Police/Council patrols

When would you avoid this area? Select all that apply.

• After dark

Lighting is a factor in making people feel safe at night. How would you describe the lighting at this location?

Too dark

Do you have any other comments regarding crime and community safety in this area?

Both routes to Lau Building are poorly lit, and I was once followed on the way back to the accommodation at night

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